How could you do exercises with one dumbbell left? Don’t worry, here we list down 10 exercises for a full-body workout with only 1 dumbbell. Check the list and start your training.
Did you know that you can do full-body workout exercises with one dumbbell? During this prolonged Covid-19 epidemic, going to the gym is an unpredictable risk. Quarantine is absolutely essential to protect your life.
In addition, if you stay at home a lot and don’t exercise, it can create many health problems and you will find it difficult to control your weight growing every day. Here VIC will introduce to you a simple, effective, and inexpensive way to work out at home with just one dumbbell.
These one dumbbell exercises for both men and women. Moreover, it is not only effective during a pandemic, you can absolutely practice these exercises at any time you want, on a regular basis.
All you need is a dumbbell, a water bottle, and an airy workout area.
There are 10 exercises with one dumbbell totally, each one last 40 seconds and you have 20 seconds to take rest.
First you need to warm up by jumping in place about 10 times.
1. Standing knee crunch
- Lift the dumbbells high above your head with both hands.

- Lift right leg up so that thigh and calf form a 90° right angle.

- Repeat with the left leg.

- Repeat for 40 seconds.
2. Overhead side bends
- Lift the dumbbells high above your head with both hands, and your upper body gonna lock your arms down.

- Move your hands to the right while flexing and moving your hips to the left as natural as possible. It is not easy, you try to keep your arm straight don’t bend them and lock it out.

- Change another side and repeat for 40 seconds.

3. Overhead lunges
- Lift dumbbells overhead with both hands. Keep your eyes looking ahead.

- Similar to the two exercises above, lock your arms with your upper body.

- Step right leg forward and put pressure on the foot. At the same time, lower your upper body so that the left knee is almost touching the ground.

- Move your legs back, change another side, and repeat for 40s.
4. Goblet squat
- Hold the dumbbells close to your chest. Keep your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.

- Deep squat, inhale through your nose. Keep your back straight.

- Stand up, exhale through your mouth.

- Repeat this movement for 40 seconds.
5. Wood chops
- Hold the dumbbell with both hands in the vertical direction like holding an ax up high.

- Chopping that dumbbell down massive.

- Lift the dumbbells up in the starting position. Repeat this movement for 40 seconds.
6. Kneeling left rotation
- Left knee to the floor, holding the dumbbell in both hands. You might want to put down a towel to protect your knee.

- You are going to come down to the outside of your hip, rotate your hands up across, and back down while holding the dumbbell.

- Repeat this movement for 40 seconds.
7. Kneeling right rotation
This is the same as Excercise 6: Kneeling left rotation, just change your position to the right.
8. Kneeling left curl press
- Left knee to the floor. You can use your right hand to support your body.
- Use your left hand to hold the dumbbell in the down position, keeping the hand facing the thigh.

- Lift the dumbbells to shoulder level, keeping palms facing shoulder.

- Lift the dumbbells high above your head, arms upright, palms facing forward.

- Repeat this movement for the 40s.
9. Kneeling right curl press
This move is similar to the Kneeling Left curl press, just changing position to the left.
10. Pistol squat
- Keep both arms drop along with the body while holding the dumbbells with both hands.

- Squat down deeply, while lifting the dumbbells up across in front of you, inhale through your nose.

- Lower the dumbbells to the starting position, stand up straight, exhale through your mouth.

- Repeat the movement.
Now we do all the moves again.
Please note that these are full body hit workout exercises that do not focus on just one muscle group.
Repeating these simple movements twice only takes about 20 minutes, but the effect will be great because it affects your entire body. You will no longer have to worry about finding yourself the right exercise in today’s complicated covid situation.
Take 20 minutes every afternoon or early morning to exercise. Don’t let your muscles fall asleep or fat will start to take over your body.
Check here dumbbells wholesale to buy a dumbbell set to start your workout routine and get fit.
Read more about dumbbell workout: